Files available for download (referred to on other webpages or on the blog) are provided here, with most recent first.
Chromosome Maps Showing Centromeres, Excess IBD Regions and HLA Region
These are covered in a blog posting Chromosome Maps Showing Centromeres, Excess IBD Regions and HLA Region (9 Jun 2016). Files are available for download from the following links:
Icon Images for On-Line Family Trees
These are covered in a blog posting Downloadable Image Icons for On-Line Family Trees (21 August 2014). To download, click on a link below and then go to the Download button at the top right of the page.
Haplogroup Tree Templates
Y-DNA and mtDNA haplogroup tree templates are available for download from the following links:
These were covered in a blog posting Template for Y-DNA and mtDNA Haplogroup Trees (14 May 2014).
- Haplogroup Tree Template (.xlsx) for Excel 2007 and 2010 (version date: 1 Jun 2014)
- Haplogroup Tree Template (.xls) for Excel 97-2003 (version date: 1 Jun 2014)
- Blank Haplogroup Tree (.pdf) to print off and fill-in by hand (version date: 13 May 2014)
These were covered in a blog posting Template for Y-DNA and mtDNA Haplogroup Trees (14 May 2014).
Autosomal DNA Segment Analyzer (ADSA)
As indicated in ADSA Tool – No Spreadsheets Required! webpage and the associated Blog Postings, Part 1 (15 Jan 2014) and Part 2 (21 Feb 2014), links to the following files are provided here:
- ADSA Working Sample (HTM file – clicking on the downloaded file will open it in your default web-browser): you can save the HTM file through the menu of your browser, or by [Ctrl S] for windows of [Cmd S] for Mac – version date: 14 Jan 2014
- Navigating around the ADSA (PDF) – provides instructions for navigating around the ADSA file using the example above – version date: 15 Jan 2014
Templates for a Pedigree Chart and X-DNA Inheritance Charts
These have been modified from Debbie Parker Wayne's X-DNA Inheritance Charts, with Generations 1-3 running sideways (which provides space for the name + year of birth/year of death for Generations 4-7) and include Ahnentafel numbers. Your own ancestors can be added to these and no special genealogy software is required. This is a really compact way displaying a Pedigree Chart. Note there are different X-DNA inheritance charts for males and females. Actual examples with names inserted can be seen at My Pedigree Chart and My Parents and My X-DNA Inheritance Charts. The templates are available for download from the following links (once the link has opened, click on the Download button at the top right):
7-Generation Pedigree Chart: Version date: 11 Nov 2013
X-DNA Inheritance Chart – Male: Version date: 13 Nov 2013
X-DNA Inheritance Chart – Female:Version date: 13 Nov 2013
Page updated 8 September 2017 |