The templates, which have been created under a Creative Commons license (CC BY-NC 4.0), are available in two Excel formats, as well as a blank PDF, which can be filled in by hand if you don't have Excel. In one worksheet, you just add (or paste) a list of your ancestors and the known Y-DNA and mtDNA haplogroups (at the 2nd great-grandparent level). The haplogroup tree is then produced in separate worksheets (males and females on different tabs – the male version is shown in the image above, and my own female version below). Here are the links to download the templates:
- Haplogroup Tree Template (.xlsx) – for Excel 2007 and 2010
- Haplogroup Tree Template (.xls) – for Excel 97-2003
- Blank Haplogroup Tree (.pdf) – to print off and fill-in by hand
These are also available on the Downloads tab on my website – and other templates there are a 7-generation Pedigree Chart and X-DNA Inheritance Charts.
I have protected the worksheets (without using a password), to prevent inadvertent changes from being made, but have included instructions for how to remove the protection (see the first tab, "Information & Help"), so you can make whatever changes you like.
UPDATE (1 Jun 2014): I had inadvertently missed out the mtDNA haplogroup beneath "Self" in the male template (figure above), but the templates have now been updated and the Template Version date now shows as 1 Jun 2014. The links to the templates remain the same.
My Haplogroup Tree
See the link for my other blog postings relating to DNA and Genetic Genealogy.
What's New on Genealogy Junkie?
- Buyer Beware Links – NEW webpage (5 May 2014), with some DNA-related and genealogy companies where others have reported issues. You may want to do some background research on them before spending any money.
- I've added all the YouTube links I could find to the AncestryDNA section on Presentations on DNA Testing (updated 3 May 2014).