For Build 37 (Figure 2), these were taken from the ISOGG Wiki page on the Centromere (data provided by Kitty Cooper), but I couldn't locate a map interpolator for Build 37 to calculate the centromere cMs for this build.
Regions of Excess IBD
HLA Region on Chromosome 6
The set of genes known as the Major Histocompatibility Complex (MHC), including the HLA genes, which are tested for organ transplant compatibility, are located between positions 29,750,000 to 33,100,000 on chromosome 6 [2]. The recombination rate is low in this area and exhibits greater IBD than expected. This region is often readily apparent on GEDmatch, as shown in the two examples on Figure 3. The position of the HLA region is plotted in blue on Figures 1 and 2.
SNP-Poor Regions
The "SNP-poor" regions are areas where few SNPs are included on the chip and the largest of these are found at the beginning of chromosomes 13, 14, 15, 21, 22, and X. On FTDNA, these are grayed out and on GEDmatch the chromosome maps just exclude them. To prevent these areas from being blank when using Kitty Cooper's Ancestor Mapping Tool, I plot the SNP-poor regions on my chromosome maps (just like segments identified to specific ancestors), as shown on Figure 4.
[2] Turner A (2010). Up hill and down dale in the genomic landscape: the odd distribution of matching segments. Journal of Genetic Genealogy 6(1).