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The Autosomal DNA Segment Analyzer (ADSA) was originally developed as a way to organize, visualize, work with your match list and chromosome data, and determine which of your matches are also related to each other (that is, ICW = in common with) using information from Family Tree DNA’s (FTDNA) Family Finder test. Now it can also be used with GEDmatch.
When I blogged about the original ADSA in early 2014 (Part 1 and Part 2), I indicated the following: "ASDA is an amazing tool developed by Don Worth and really fills a niche, in that it is incredibly useful for both novices (and those not wanting/able/prepared to spend hours and hours working with spreadsheets) as well as those who are more experienced and have elaborate and sophisticated Excel spread-sheets to work with their DNA data." Rob Warthen from DNAGedcom has worked his programming magic to create a GEDmatch loading tool, allowing us to create GEDmatch-ADSA reports in the same way as those of us on FTDNA have been able to create FTDNA-ADSA reports. |